Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Its Been A Long Time!


  Here is a recent picture of me with my children.  Starting on the left; Me (Brandy), Jake (15), Jordan (13), Emily (10) and Thatcher (3). 

  Jake and Jordan have just finished the 9th grade!  Can you believe that?  As you can see Jake is taller than I am now and Jordan is almost as tall.  Where does the time go?

  Its been a long time since I have put much effort into this blog.  At one point I had three different blogs going.  I  not only had this one I had one for our homeschool stuff and another for a diet I was trying that ended quickly and was horrible! 

  So now I am going to try to dedicate myself to this one blog and putting everything on it.  I don't know if I still have any active followers.  If you are still actively following this blog would you please leave a comment?   Also if there is anything you'd like me to post about leave that in the comments too :-)  Thanks!

1 comment:

WordPress said...


It truly has been too long since we chatted. I miss our Bible discussions and hope to get back into that mode again soon.

Thanks for responding to the article I sent. That is how I happened to find your blog again. :)